
Stages Of Relationships. (Strangers, again)

Stage 1: The Meeting.

It's the very first time for the two strangers meet. Mostly, love at first sight. Even though you refuse that it's not, well, you've been nailed on it. It's pathetic how guys do anything for the right girl. Getting her number is definitely the first mission. And if that happens, everything felt like its been paid off. 

Stage 2: The Chase.

And now, stage two. Some says it's the best part. For the guy, all you wanted was to know more about the right girl. Surely, you will add her face book account, check on her photos, call/text her. All you wanted to do was hang out with her. And the only person you want to talk to was her. She's the number one priority for you. And every time you sees her, of course, butterflies. She's everything that you thought could be perfect in a girl. And soon as it felt right.."Would you be my girlfriend?"..With this simple words, both begun a relationship.

Stage 3: Honeymoon.

Taking them to stage three. It's the time were both can express fully affection to each other, and do all the things they wanted to do as a couple. It was a dream come true. The person you wanted so badly, was finally yours. Go on dates, spend time together like there's no tomorrow. It's the stage were both will knew every detail in their lives. Just like any normal healthy couple.

Stage 4: Comfortable.

Now being comfortable is unnecessary bad, it's when both can truly be their selves. But it depends on what would they do in that comfort. Some use it positively, continuing to work on their relationship and grow it together, but others allow it to grow in distance. Some would thought that they're taking each other for granted. They're starting to slowly fall out. Getting sick on what they've used to do before. Not or late answering/replying each other's call/text messages. Bottom line is, someone stops trying. the feelings aren't strong like before. This could happen over a few months, or a few years. 

Stage 5: Tolerance.

The stage were full disappointment is found. The person you were so crazy about, turned out not to be not so special anymore. It happens so gradually, you wouldn't even see it coming. But there they are, just tolerating each other. Arguing is one thing but feeling dissatisfied and unhappy with the relationship is another. They become those relationships that wasn't bad, but wasn't good too. That's never a good way to describe a relationship. 

Stage 6: Downhill.

There's no much time left once you hear that. The effort to try make things work, just isn't worthy anymore. Promises to continue, arguments that didn't all drops down. Everything is falling apart. You're nearing the end of the stage. This happens at everyone, at some point.

Stage 7: Breaking up.

The end of the line. The worst stage ever. You don't know when it all happen or how. They would say, it's for the best. This is when both start a new path. One that leads back to were they've started...Strangers. The change will be so blunt, that you probably want to get back together just to restore whats normal. But this doesn't always happen, and the distance will grow. By the time both moved on, things weren't always the same. Their lives will continue on different direction. Becoming strangers again. And everything they've shared will become just a fragment memories. And all that's left was the memory of a stranger who was so important in their life. 

Before stage 4, there will be two questions, either breaking up, or getting married.