OMG~!!..My Mr. Goat^^..I so so so love his dang smile~..
His voice~..ugh~!!...it's melting me~..plus his Bass skills (and goat skills)..
nyahaha~!!..lovin' him always~..^^
"사랑은 어디 에나.Being free is always inspiring"
i'm bored so~..my imagination run again..
Nikae and Taejoong were best friends since childhood..They love to spend time together biking around,eating ice cream,tripping on others and relaxing at the pond,tackling their feets unto the cold water. They enjoy everyday of their life until they grew more mature. Taejoong fell inlove with nikae since they've met~..and nikae loves taejoong since she saw him~..They hide their feelings to each other carefully and painfully~..until taejoong decided to move and do the step~..He called nikae to meet him where they usually spend time together..at the pond tonight~..Nikae was waiting for taejoong..while taejoong was at a flower shop,he bought a boquet of flowers for nikae~..he wrote a note saying.."I kept on hiding for this feeling for a very very very long tiime~..i love you nikae~..be strong always"..then there he walked and went to the meeting place~..while he was walking,he passed by a 3 vicious looking guys gambling around~..taejoong just ignored it..the other guy gave a signal to the others..they followed taejoong then hit him with a baseball bat~..taejoong fell down with his head bleeding severely..the 3 guys carried taejoong to a dark grassy place then there they bullied taejoong to death,taejoong kept on begging "please don't- do this~.." but still they kicked his back,punch his face for many times,taejoong already puked out some blood..After that..They took taejoongs phone and destroyed it,they got his wallet and his watch then left~..taejoong was dying at that time~..nikae was still waiting and worrying already~..meanwhile taejoong tried to crawled begging for help~..he was covered with blood..two girls saw him but they've jkust freaked out and run~..so taejoong crawled unto the nearest payphone..he tried to call his sister eunhwan and said "help me!h-elp m-me!"but all he gets was the answering machine~..then he called nikae,nikae answered "hello?..hello?.."..taejoong was running out of words to say.."i l-lo-v-e y-yo-u~.."..then his last breathe took up and died~..nikae kept on answering "hello?.." then the line went blank~..Nikae rushed into taejoong's house.."oppa?oppa?.."..then eunhwan answered~.."oh nikae~..what are you doing here?.."..nikae said "is taejoong oppa here?..i got a weird phone call"..then eunhwan notice the red light of the phone..so she pressed it to hear the message..nikae listened also~..it was first silent then.."help me!h-elp m-me!"..this voice broke up the silence~..eunhwan was shocked "what the~.."..nikae covered her mouth then started to cry~..then suddenly the phone rang and eunhwan answered it.."hello?....WHAT?!?!" then she cried.."ok..thank you"..nikae asked what was it..eunhwan said "t-t-t-th-e-y fo-und taej-oong's de-ad body at the pa-yphone station~..he w-as a-bu-sed and be-en tr-i-pp-ed on~"..nikae cried her eyes out~..and shouted "OPPA~!!!..WHY~?!?!"..then there~..3 days after the funeral~..eunhwan gave the note that taejoong wrote to nikae~..then nikae read it "I kept on hiding for this feeling for a very very very long tiime~..i love you nikae~..be strong always"..nikae cried again..and said "oppa~..i'll be strong~..as you've said..i love you~.."..
so there..taejoong's name was forever engraved in the heart of nikae~..
KAWAI~!!..Jagyeong,Jandi,and Gaeul^^..so kawai^^..Jagyeong is like a tough girl~..Jandi..cute girl~..and Gaeul pretty girl^^..yeppuda~!!..^^
Labels: JJG
oh yeah~..I love thi mouth watering,heart trembling..CHOCO CAKE~!!..
can't resist to take a one big hella bite on it~!!..
yeah~..good sweet times~..^^
Labels: choco